Monday, December 27, 2010

overwhelmed, sigh...

Honestly, this whole minimalism thing is a bit overwhelming and exhilerating at the same time.  I need to take the journey of a thousand miles, by starting with the first step, I know, I know.  I keep seeing my home all organized and pared down, but I keep coming up with excuses as to when to actually physically make a step.  Then I beat myself up for not getting anything done.  So, I think that I will start in the closet.  My closet.  I am going to get rid of (gulp) half of my clothes.  I have never really done that whole haven't worn it it a year toss before, but I do know what I wear all the time and what I am probably never going to wear.  Easy Peasy.  By the way the dining room table has become my project-craft table-wrap presents-toss the mail area.  Jeff Lewis of Bravo's Flipping Out would be horrified. He is pretty much the bomb and the inspiration for my house. Chcek out his beautiful gallery, I will post pics of my before and after progress soon. Promise.
A picture of Jeff's old home, what bliss. Perhaps, I should develop a cleaning OCD.

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