Friday, December 17, 2010

Clutter Contracts- a legally binding agreement in my totalitarian world

A clutter contract  is a contract that I made my kids sign stating that they would not leave items out.  If they leave items out, then they are collected after they go to bed and packed away. FOREVER.  If an item is cried about, fussed about, or pitched a fit about, mom will go to the room and collect another item of her choice to be packed away. FOREVER.  I am including backpacks, shoes, and clothing in this contract. THE contract  I am up to my eyeballs in the messes that my monsters kids leave  So, this is dia numero uno.  I am patiently waiting for the clock to hit nine so that the fun and mayhem can begin.  I will let you know how the scene plays out.  By the way I finished getting all my Christmas lights put on my tree today. woohoo, go me! 


  1. Where is your clutter contract missy!?! I like this idea too.

  2. Okie dokie- contract now available.
